Financial Models/Templates On Excel

Financial models/templates on excel

Periodically businesses require adhoc financial models prepared like 5 year financial forecast or template for calculating EMI (based on various input parameters). Financial models on excel involves the use of advanced excel skills to perform a specific financial analysis that is used for management decision making purposes. It involves studying financial statements/business and creating company specific models. The financial models are based on a set of assumptions. The result of this analysis is presented in different forms including reports, charts, graphs, commentary etc.

Services offered in the following areas:

  • Financial Projections
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Financial Statement Templates (Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow, Balance sheet)
  • What if analysis
  • Financial Statement Analysis (Commentary)
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Financial Reporting Templates
  • Financial Reconciliation Templates
  • Capital Budgeting

Service model

The financial experts at YourFinanceBackOffice will have an initial interaction with client to understand objectives of this exercise and also client business. The success of this exercise largely depends on clarity with which requirements and objectives have been communicated by the client and understood by the service provider. Our experts possess the financial acumen and number crunching skills required along with advanced excel knowledge to create useful client specific models.


We offer both hourly and fixed rates pricing. Please contact us for a service proposal and quotation.